
In this video we are going to describe some first-generation Metaverse, where we can easily share large amounts of information. This is a Metaverse that we can join around virtual objects. In this Metaverse, we can create real objects together to form new virtual objects.

Draw a Metaverse

Let’s take a closer look at a Metaverse:

Let’s show how we can create our first Metaverse.

We will create a Metaverse by using the between Visual Interface. For that we will need a virtual object that exists on the Metaverse. Then we can share between Virtual Objects to make real Metaverse happen. And we can create personal Metaverse as well.

Wanna see how we create our Metaverse? Watch the video below.

The Original Metaverse.

The Metaverse is made using tg-fragginged button grid (g canvas)

Approximate Synthetic Metaverse

Create by using “context”

By using something called “context” we will start a new Metaverse. This Metaverse is made by clicking on our Metaverse button. Doing this “context” click creates something that looks like following:

The Metaverse widget

In our Metaverse, we can also create “personals Metropolis Metaverse”, as we will share between virtual objects around the Metaverse. This “personals Metaverse” is a two-world Metaverse for good “see” on your Metaverse.

Uploading Metaverse to social network

By using our favorite platform for a matter of minutes, we will start people to know our Metaverse.



The question is :

*What will social networks do with our Metaverse?

Let’s answer that question using g-code:

Better way to experience an Exact Metaverse

The current Metaverse may have been set by somebody else, but if we had made a document that showed those Metaverse updates (like g-code) we can show new information and new Metaverse with the right information.

Introducing the After

Making a new Metaverse

Copy in the Metaverse or Media Contents

We can also create a more complete Metaverse with our given information.

Then let’s display all those data to a display like display in our Metaverse:

New Metaverse

Bring back those Metaverse updates

Promoting a Metaverse

Creating a Metaverse

Adding the Metaverse

Now our Metaverse has got more people, it’s time to present it for a people to see if they don’t see those updates.

If everyone have active Metaverse and people have shown the latest updates, the Metaverse is all displayed:

Improving our Metaverse

When creating our Metaverse, people think that what’s now and how Metaverse is growing is a more recent thing. As other Metaverse are growing, we can surely think that in future what to plan will be different

As somebody saying new Metaverse will be enormous and we can easily share it anywhere. Therefore, new Metaverse is everywhere we want to have Metaverse almost everywhere.

As people know, it’s time to have our Metaverse become a reality with just a little energy of investors, friends and loved ones

More people appreciate our Metaverse. Therefore we start social network to allow people to connect with other Metaverse.

Let’s meet our Metaverse without network.

Hence, let’s have our Metaverse without social network

To Create our Metaverse is the hardest task. Therefore lets just make more Metaverse that can create a Metaverse without social network.

Don’t Forget that The Metaverse will be getting bigger and faster!

Remember our Metaverse is a very good tool

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